to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead

5.0 TBR Timeline

I, personally, am a very linear thinker. I like things in order. In an effort to put the entries in LTC Tharp’s diary into the overall context of the TBR, I have integrated a number of sources. The primary sources are LTC Tharp’s personal diary (labelled Th) and a USN document of a similar nature as a diary (labelled NAVY). Those labelled as ME are from a multitude of sources; too numerous to credit. Finally, the Thai-Burma Railway Centre (TBRC) published a list of “Significant Dates” which I have integrated. Futamatsu was a professional Engineer on the TBR who published a book on his TBR experiences. Names like Fillmore, Owtram and Berrie are from other sources of which I came into possession.

There are a few mis-connections in some of the dates, but I present them as published. The overall concentration is on the movements and events related to the US POWS (Th and NAVY entries) but I think it is important to know how those fit in with other events that define the TBR.

AUG 2022 Update: In order to honor them, I have added all of the TBR-related deaths and the contents of CPT Cates diary as well as citations found in a number of newly available texts:

The US POWs in the company of others from Java were sent to a number of destinations in addition to the TBR. Some, the E Battery contingent and Zeigler Party went directly to Japan (via Singapore). Many of the officers ended their captivity in the Mukden camp in Manchuria; some direct, others post-TBR. Sumatra was the destination for a few. A handful never left Java.

MEJan-41dates in red are approx = correct to mo/yrupdated 1 DEC 24
Stone12-Jan-1941RTA attacks thereby beginning the Franco-Thai war
Stone17-Jan-1941RTN defeated at Ko Chang
Stone28-Jan-1941Jp brokered cease -fire
Stone9-May-1941Peace agreement signed with Jp
Hashimoto18-Oct-41Railway Corps started planning the railway construction.
Th11-Nov-19412/131 departed Camp Bowie
Th14-Nov-1941arrived Ft Mason CA
Th21-Nov-1941sailed SS REPUBLIC from SF
Th28-Nov-1941arrived Honolulu
Th29-Nov-1941departed Honolulu on SS Republicconvoy of NIAGRA PENSACOLA Holbrook Meigs Bloemfontein Halstead Chaumont Coast Farmer & Republic
Beattie10-Dec-1941HMS Repulse & Prince of Wales sunk off Malaya327 & 513 KIA respectively
Th13-Dec-1941arrived Suva Fiji
Beattie16-Dec-1941Japanese invade Burma
Th20-Dec-1941re-routed to Australia
ME21-Dec-1941Thai-Japan alliance signedPM Phibun
Th22-Dec-1941arrived Brisbane
Th23-Dec-1941to Ascot Race Course
Th25-Dec-1941began loading Bloemfontein
Th30-Dec-1941departed for Darwin
Th2-Jan-1942convoy with PENSACOLAHolbrook Chaumant & Liberty (sunk)
Fritshe8-Jan-1942Charles Mott shot down near TAKfirst US POW in Thailand
ME11-Jan-1942131 lands at Surabaja Java along w/ 26th FA Bdeaboard Dutch ship Bloemfontein
ME25-Jan-1942Thailand declares war on the AlliesUS AMB Willys Peck interred as prisoner
Th27-Jan-194219th Bomb Grp; 44 men arr from Mindanos PI
Th28-Jan-194222nd Bomb Grp from AUS
Th3-Feb-19422 TXNG KIA on B-17 during first air raidPFC John Bingham & PVT Don Barnes
Horn4-FebBattle of Makassar Strait; damaged by bombing46 KIA in aft turret
ME4-Feb131 servicing planes at SingosariMalang DEI
NAVY5-Febwithdraw for interim repairs at Tjilatjap, Java
Th9-Feb-1942air raid destroys 1 75-gun & 3 vehiclesSGT Sparkman injured during air raid
Martin14-Feb-1942combined air and amphibious assault to seize Sumatra
Horn15-Febengages a Japanese Force in the Straits  of Timor while escorting a convoy
ME15-FebSingapore surrenders
Th16-Feb-1942British AA Batt (40mm guns) arrive Singosari
Martin18-Feb-1942Black force under BG Blackburn (AUS) formed2/131 ordered to support; multiple ammo and commo difficulties
Martin19-Feb-1942Air raid on DARWIN leaves port facilities damagedmuch shipping re-routed to Perth or Freemantle
Martin20-Feb-1942capture of Timor Island
Martin20-Feb-1942BG Wavell begins evacuation of Allied troops from Javaincluded abt a dozen 2/131 liaison personnel
Th20-Feb-1942air raidCPL Holder wounded E Batt
Th24-Feb-1942visited COL Searle at Bandoeng USF HQdiscussed a general evacuation
Martin25-Feb-1942ABDA command on Java is dissolveddefense of Java in the hands of the Dutch
Th26-Feb-1942orders to support Black Force under BG Blackburntotal troop strength abt 2900
Th26-Feb-194226th FA Bde to Tjilatjap harbor for evac17 (18) men reassigned to 131 as replacements for those assigned/evacuated with the AAF
Th26-Feb-1942E Batt to remain Singosari / Surabajaunder the command of Dutch Gen Ilgen
ME27-Feb-1942Battle of the Java SeaAdm Doorman KIA
Th27-Feb-1942left Malang for Jakarta
ME28-FebHouston and Perth sunk in Sunda Strait1,061 aboard, 368 survived, including 34 of the 74-man Marine Detachment
Th28-Feb-1942to Tasikmalaja
TBRC1-Mar-1942Jp issues TBR orders
Th1-Mar-1942to Buitenzorg reported to Black Force 
Martin2-Mar-1942AUS  2/2 Pioneers; 2/3 & 2/4 MG BNs guard the Leuwillang Rvr bridge2/131 in support
Martin3-Mar-1942E Batt ‘liberates’ a warehouse and eats their last full meal for years to come.
Hashimoto4-Mar-42GSO ordered the Southern Army Cmd to start the Burma Operation.
Th4-Mar-1942to Sourkaboeni
Th5-Mar-1942to Bandoeng (rubber plantation)PVT RHODES Bruce  “Dusty” KIA of acc GSW/booby trap
Martin6-Mar-1942E Batt establishes itself in the Surabaja zoo 
Th7-Mar-1942fall back to Garoet race track then tea plantation
Hashimoto8-Mar-1942IJAʼs 15th Army occupied Rangoon
Martin8-Mar-1942capitulation; about 11,000 Allied troops became POWs plus their Dutch hostselements of the IJA Eastern landing force reach the southern port of Tjilitap
Mansell9-Mar-1942Franklin Gottlieb Goedel; US citizen serving with KNIL capturedborn 1901 PHILA PA; died Jan 44 at Changaraya camp; re-buried at Thanbyuzayat
Berrie10-Mar-1942CPT Dodson and small grp captured on Madura IslandE Batt  attempted evasion
ME11-Mar-1942GEN McArthur departs Corregidor
Futamatsu13-Marfirst Railroad Engineers arr BanPong
Hashimoto15-Mar-42Railway Corps started the field research for railway construction.
Th18-Mar-1942began march to Batavia
Th19-Mar-1942to Tjbatoe by truck (Tandjoen Priok docks area)
Hashimoto23-Mar-42IJA requests 3,000 Thai laborers  arrival of POWs from Singapore promised
Rogers25-Mar-1942Main 131 grp to Chinese school compound in Batavia
ME26-Mar-1942first USN dies of woundsLT(jg)Francis Weiler
Th30-Mar-1942to Bicycle Campmet by 14 other ARMY (?) and 343 HOUSTON survivors
FutamatsuApr-423000 Australians depart for Burma as A Force[see 14 May]
Hashimoto3-Apr-42No.5 Flying Division took an aerial photo of the construction area.
NAVY5-Apr-1942LT Ross w/ 25 USN arr Bicycle Camp
Maher6-Apr-19428 (senior) HOUSTON staff to Japanincluding CDR Maher to Zentsuji / Omori
NAVY13-Apr-1942Lt(jg) Hamlin w/ 35 arr BCDetre(OH 475); Melvin Mahlant
NAVY13-Apr-1942COL Searle arr BC w/ 2 enlisted
NAVY15-Apr-1942150 USN arr BCunspecified as to service USN / USMC?
NAVY15-Apr-1942Flt Sgt John Morgan of Eagle Sqrd arr BC(fraudulent US POW)
Hashimoto18-Apr-42Doolittle airstrikes on Japan
NAVY5-May-1942first USN death from dysenteryLT Ross died
AWM14-May3,000 Australian POWs left Changi to Burma (known as A-Force)2/30 Bn Ramsey & 2/4MG Green
Hashimoto14-May-42A Force 3000 was dispatched to Burma.
NAVY14-May-1942131 TXNG arr BC [confirmed by others]also SM1c CL Seal is w/ TXNG ???
Mansell20-May-1942British Sumatra (aka Medan) C Force arr Hlepauk (18 KILO)Capt(Dr) Coates; 500 men
AUS26-May-1942A Force arrives Burmavia TAVOY on Celebres Maru
Hashimoto31-May-42IJA offered the Railway construction to the Thai Govt.
FutamatsuJun-423000 British depart Changi for BanPongRASC Maj Sykes in command
Hashimoto1-Jun-42IJA formally requested the Thais to permit the POW camp in Ban Pong
Tamayama7-Jun-1942Southern Army orders TBR construction
Hashimoto8-Jun-42Battle of Midway and IJNʼs defeat
TBRC18-Jun3,000 British POWS left Changi to Ban Pong aka Grp #1aka the Mainland Party
Ramsey23-Jun-1942Sykes grp of 600 British arr BanPong/NongPlaDuk
ME29-Jun-1942US AMB Willys Peck departs Thailand
Hashimoto30-Jun-42675 more POWs arrived in Ban Pong  (mainly British)3,150 POWs in Ban Pong
FutamatsuJul-424th RR Bn begins work at ChungKai-Khao Poon
ME1-Jul-1942131 non-POW death in AAF crashPVT Byron West
OwtramJul-42UK 137th FA departs for TBR2 camps at Ban Pong / Kho Ma
ME5-Jul-1942Japanese engineers begin to survey the route of the TBR
AUS8-Jul-1942B Force departs for Borneo1500 AUS to Kunchig camp
NAVY9-Jul-1942Flt Sgt John Morgan injured in fall
Owtram20-Jul-1942first (British) 137FA death at Ban PongUK POWs doing road construction
FutamatsuAug-42survey has proceeded as far as ThaKilen (K 98)
Hashimoto15-Aug-42Thai POW Camp Administration was officially established.
Hashimoto16-Aug-42C Force  2.2K to Japanto Kobe and Naoetsu camps
FutamatsuSep-42tracks completed to Kanchanaburi
FutamatsuSep-42camp at WangYai (HQ camp #3 at K 125) established
Reminick10-Sep-1942Michel sinks the AMERICAN LEADER
Hashimoto15-Sep-4260 POWs from No.2 Camp (NPD) arrived at mid-OCT 500 more
ME16-Sep-1942Nong Pladuk marker dates beginning of constructionThais build first 50 Km in TH
Th18-Sep-1942new camp Commandant and guards replace at BC
Owtram20-Sep-1942monsoon floods BanPong camp
Hashimoto27-Sep-42Thai Railway Bureau started the construction between Ban Pong and Kanchanaburi
Fillmore1-Oct-1942USN personnel given plaque vaccine
FutamatsuOct-42during this month a total of 14,260 POWs sent north
Hashimoto1-Oct-42Thai POW Camp Command established No.4 Camp.
Hashimoto1-Oct-423,000 POWs under the 9th Railway Rgt transferred to  #1 and 2 camps
TBRC1-Oct-1942Grp 3 (Green Force) begin work at Kandaw (KILO 4)start of TBR construction in Burma
NAVY2-Oct-1942Fz – Gilmore, Hiner, Stenland & 124 men depart BC89 AUS in that party  aka Grp 3
Th4-Oct-1942Fz party of 191 depart BC aka GRP 3 on King Kong Maruincludes 62 Houston under LTjg Hanlin
Mansell5-Oct-1942Anderson Force arr Than (0 KILO)  aka A-force750 Ors; 37 Off & 38 Wos
2/4 MG Bn8-Oct-1942Grp 4 depart Java on Kimmon Maru1500 AUS depart BC
Hashimoto9-Oct-422,000 POWs moved from Ban Pong to Kanchanaburi.
Hashimoto9-Oct-42800 POWs of No.2 Camp left Ban Pong for Chungaki.
NAVY10-Oct-1942Zg party of 68 US depart for JapanTacoma Maru
TBRC10-Oct-1942A-Force arr at Hlepauk (18 Kilo)710 men only
Th10-Oct-1942Zg grp selected67 US to Japan
Fillmore11-Oct-1942Th party departs BC 488 men aka GRP 5ALt(jg) Hamlin cdr of 237 enl & 9 off from Hous
Fillmore11-Oct-1942Th 5A sails from Priok on Da Nichi MaruTharp has dengue (per Rogers)
Hashimoto11-Oct-42Malaya POW Camp started to transfer 17,000 POWs.completed in early NOV
Hashimoto11-Oct-42600 POWs of No.2 Camp arrived at Chungkai.
Owtram11-Oct-1942800 137FA depart for KAN then ChungKai by barge3 day trek
Th11-Oct-1942Th 5A departs BC 488 US 362 AUS 150 Dutchaka JAVA Party 5A
Hashimoto13-Oct-42600 POWs, the first batch of the main party, arrived in Ban Pong
Fillmore15-Oct-1942Th 5A arrive Singapore; by truck to Changi
Mansell15-Oct-1942E Batt depart Surabaya for Bicycle camp
ME15-OctE Batt Dodson grp of 12 arr Bataviahad escaped to Madura; date per Ray Robinson
Hashimoto19-Oct-42Chalkerʼs party arrived in Ban Pong.
ME20-OctTacoma Maru departs Java for Singa; 1600 Brit / Dutch POWsAAF 1Lt Teborak & MSG John F Smith and SM2c Marvin Sizemore
2/4 MG Bn23-Oct-1942Grp 4 depart Singa on Meabashi Maru
Fillmore23-Oct-1942first 131 death on Java from dysenteryPVT Griffin died on Java
NAVY23-Oct-1942[year of death is recorded as 1943 in some places]PVT Griffin died on Java
2/4 MG Bn24-Oct-1942Organized into Black and Williams Forces43 in Williams; 593 in Black
AUS24-Oct-19422/2 Pioneer & Perth surv arrive Burma; Williams Force884 AUS sent to+D168 35 Km camp
2/4 MG Bn26-Oct-1942Arr Thanbyuzayat
2/4 MG Bn27-Oct-1942Wm F to KILO 35 (Tanyin)
Th27-Oct-1942Zg Grp depart for Japan60 US ; 200 Dutch; 12 AUS;
2/4 MG Bn28-Oct-1942Wm F to KILO 45 (Anakwin)
Hall/Bhaze28-Oct-1942AUS Anderson & Williams Forces combine into Mobile Force #1
Th28-Oct-1942MAJ Horrington grp arr BC E Batt100 US
Mansell30-Oct-19424600 Dutch from Sumatra   arr Wagale (8 KILO)
TXNG30-OctFz Grp arr Betetaung (40 KILO)as part of LtCol Chris Black Force w/ 610 Aus; 111 Du
Mansell31-Oct-19427 Grps dep Singa as R-X Parties4450 Br
Mansell1-Nov-19426 Grps dep Singa as L-Q Parties3900 Br
Th2-Nov-1942E Batt arrives ChangiBattery CDR CPT Dodson not present [to Mukden]
Th5-Nov-1942Grp 5A at Changitotal strength 1387
ME6-Nov-1942AMERICAN LEADER Capt Pederson and crew at BCfrom German Raider Michel
Mansell7-Nov-1942E Batt depart Singapore for Japan
Stanbrough15-Nov-1942Zg Grp arrive Moji Jp
TooseyNov-42LtCol Toosey’s Force of British begin work on Bridge 277abt 1500 men (from GRP #1? @ NPD)
Toosey15-Nov-1942first death at TMK200 more would follow
ME26-NovCRM Harmon Alderman KIA when Tafuku Maru sunk near Jp[had been left behind by Zg Party]
AUSNov-42C Force departs for Japanto Kobe and Naoetsu camps
Fillmore28-Nov-1942E Batt departs Changi for JapanHorrigan Michie 2 USN and CIV David Hicks with E Batt
Reminick29-Nov-1942SS Sawolka sunk near Madagascar16 MM & 4 USNR gunners KIA
Teel pg9529-Nov-1942Fz Grp to 25 Kilo camp (Kun Knit Kway or Konnoki)laying rails
Hashimoto15-Dec-425th Railway Regiment requested Ba Maw to provide labourers.
Hashimoto15-Dec-42Labourer recruitment began in Burma.
Hall/Bhaze18-Dec-1942Ramsay Force arr at Kunhnitkway (26 KILO+C160)
Hashimoto18-Dec-42Ban Pong Incident occurred.
NAVY20-Dec-19421000 Dutch depart Changi
Owtram20-Dec-1942Officers at ChungKai ordered to build a bridgeOfficer’s Bridge
Th28-Dec-1942COL Searle departs (to Taiwan)?en route to Mukden
NAVY1-Jan-1943USN 231 USMC 8 civ 1 at Singapore
NAVY2-Jan-1943COL Searle and 46 senior officers arrive Changi[see 28 DEC]
Mansell3-Jan-1943A-Force arr at Tanyin (35 Kilo)joins Williams Force=Mobile+D122#1
Th6-Jan-1943John Morgan exposed as BRITPvt St McKenzie added to USN party
Th7-Jan-1943Th 5A party depart Changi431 enl & 25 off of Hous
Th9-Jan-1943Th 5A depart Changi by trainleft behind: Kelly Porter Martin [Johnson & McManus]
Th9-Jan-1943Th 5A arr Prai (Indo) moved to shipTharp has malaria
AWM10-Jan-1943Dunlop force of 900 arr TH mvd to Kunyo (151 Km)first Java AUS in TH
Th11-Jan-1943Th 5A dep Prai on Moji Maru488 US ; 150 Dutch  365 AUS
Fritshe15-Jan-19433 B-24s; one flown by Col Conrad Necrason7th Hvy Bomb Grp; Ansanal India
Hashimoto15-Jan-43Railway Corps requested the IHQ to recruit 80,000 labourers.
Hashimoto15-Jan-43Japanese ship ʻMoji Maruʼ, transporting US & AUS POWs, was attacked by the Allied forces
Rogers15-Jan-1943LTC Tharp wounded in temple by bomb fragmentthis injury continued to plague him
TBRC15-JanAnderson and Williams Force join at Tanyin (35 KILO camp)
Th15-Jan-1943convoy bombed Nichimei Maru sunkKIA 5 AUS; 43 Dutch MIA-KIA; 2 PERTH KIA; 960 Du rescued
Hashimoto16-Jan-43Commander Shimoda of Railway Corps flew to Burma
Th17-Jan-1943Th 5A arr Moulmein to District jail966 Dutch rescued after sinking
Owtram20-Jan-1943many POWs from ChungKai move farther alongCK converting to hospital camp
TXNG21-Jan-1943Th 5A arr Thanbyuzayat base camp
ME23-Jan-1943first USN death on TBR – Beri-beriSM1c Asa Young
Th24-Jan-1943Griffith, Fowler and Tharp to Thanbyzayat camp
Th25-Jan-1943Th 5A begin move to 18 KILO  (Hlepauk)
Fillmore26-Jan-1943Fowler & Tharp to 18 KILO
Hashimoto26-Jan-43Shimodaʼs plane crashed into the jungle, Burma.
Th28-Jan-1943CPT Elkin last at 18 KILO
Th3-Feb-1943E Batt death on JavaPVT Abileno Hernandez dies Surabaya
Filmore4-Feb-1943LT Ferrey party of 9 officers arr Batavia (19th BGrp)date ?[where were they held?]
Hashimoto5-Feb-43IHQ order to shorten the construction period by four months. (by 31 Aug)
Hashimoto5-Feb-43POWs of No.5 Camp arrived at Thanbyuzayat, Burma.
ME10-Feb-1943wooden railroad bridge over Mae Klong finished1000 Dutch arrive at TMK
TooseyFeb-434 of Toosey’s men executed for escape attempt
Rogers16-Feb-1943MAJ Rogers advanced to 85 KILO
Hashimoto28-Feb-43first labourer recruitment ended with 13,950 applicants in Burma.
Hashimoto1-Mar-43The ʻSpeedoʼ rush-work period began.
Hashimoto2-Mar-43IJA requested the Thai Govt. to recruit 13,000Burmese labourers.
Hashimoto3-Mar-43Commander Shimoda and the aircraft crew’s bodies were found.
Teel pg10310-MarFz Grp 3 arrive at 35 KILO camp (Tanyin)joined by Ramsay Force per TBRC
HashimotoMar-436th POW HQ camp at Hindat established45K POWs in Thailand
Mansell15-Mar-1943Anderson Force arr Kunknikway (26 KILO)
Hashimoto17-Mar-43D Force 5000 to Thailand
Mansell18-Mar-1943Ramsey Force moved to Meiloe (75 KILO)combined w/ Green & Black Forces
Fillmore19-Mar-1943Th 5A moved to 85 KILO MAJ Wright at 18 K with sick grp
Teel pg10420-MarFz Grp 3 arrive at Thetkaw (14 KILO)
ME22-Mar-43first USMC death on TBR malaria at 80 KILOSGT Joe Lusk
Fritshe23-Mar-19439th Bomb Sqrn strafes TBR bridges in Burma
Th25-Mar-1943MAJ Wright grp to 30 KILO94 sick in party
AUS28-Mar-43E Force departs for Borneo1000 AUS to Sandakan
Fritshe5-Apr9th Bomb Sqrn destroy 2 TBR bridges in Burma
TXNG5-AprFz Grp 3 return to 25 KILO camp (Kun Knit Kway)
Th6-Apr-1943Th 5A marched  to 80 KILO
ME7-Apr-1943USMC PVT Donald Hill dies at BC of dyesentery
Rogers7-Apr-1943Th 5A moved to 80 Kilo campTharp carried by cart; too ill to walk
NAVY9-Apr-1943Fowler grp departs for Japan; (207 total)only traveled as far as Saigon
Th13-Apr-1943second USN death on TBRSF1c James White
ME14-Apr-1943GRP 4 departs Java with H-Force(1)
Futamatsu15-Apr-1943iron span bridge completed at 277 siteToosey says end of the month
Hashimoto15-Apr-43Transport of 70,000 romusha labourers from Malaya began
Hashimoto15-Apr-4332,184 labourers were recruited in Burma.
ME15-Aprthe WangPo viaduct completed400m in only a few weeks
Reminick15-AprMichel drops POWs at SingaporeSawolka crew
Hashimoto17-Apr-43Chinese labourersʼ dispatches began, completing on 26 May.
Mansell17-Apr-1943 Java Party 3000 dep Singa2831 Du; 151 AUS; 3 Br
AUS18-Apr-1943F Force departs for BanPong7000 AUS + 10 US
Hashimoto18-Apr-43F Forceʼs first party left Singapore for Thailand.LtCol Harris in command
ME18-Apr-1943YM1c Irving Felix dies of TB in BC
AWM25-Apr-1943construction begins on Hellfire Passalso 25 APR = ANZAC Day
AUSApr-43G Force departs for Japan 1500arr Moji on Kyokko Maru
Teel pg11126-Apr-1943Fz Grp to Anankwin (45 Kilo)18 IJA killed in a rail car accident
Th30-Apr-1943announce beginning of SPEEDO period
2/4 MG BnMay-43Williams and Anderson Forces combined into #1 Mobile Force
2/4 MG BnMay-43elements of 2/2 ENG added to #1 Mobile Force
Teel pg1192-May-1943Fz Grp return to 18 KILO camp (Alepak)
Th4-May-194330 sick moved to KAN camp #3
AUSMay-43H Force departs for BanPong1900 UK and 2200 AUS; US Mer Mar
Futamatsu5-May-1943 1411 Bra& 670 AUS (H Force) departLtCol Humphries in command
NAVY5-May-194341 US moved to KAN #1 Thamakanjoined with Rogers Party of 110 US
Hashimoto6-May-43Ba Maw decided to recruit additional 21,000 labourers.
Hashimoto7-May-43F Force Commander Col Banno arrived at Kanchanaburi.
Hashimoto8-May-43F Forceʼs rear HQ arrived at Tarsao (130 km).
Th8-May-1943MAJ Wright party left 30 KILO
Wins/F10-May-1943AUS portion of F Force arr KonKoita Kilo 263
Hashimoto11-May-43H Forceʼs first party departed to Thailand 3270
Hashimoto11-May-43Cholera broke out at Lower Nieke.
2/4 MG Bn13-May-1943Williams Force to KILO 57 (Taungzun)
NAVY14-May-1943Marine 1SG Dupler dies at Than of dysentery
Teel pg11914-MayFz Grp 3 arrive at 30 KILO camp (Retpu)
Hashimoto15-May-43Wood-Higgsʼ party arrived at Konkoita.[263]
Hashimoto15-May-43cholera at Lower Nike (276)
TBRC15-May-43H-Force(2) dep Singa includes 19 US ARMY & NAVYincluding Sawolka crewmen
Wins/F15-May-1943AUS of F Force moved to Upper KonKoita  Kilo 270due to cholera at Konkoita in romusha
Wins/F15-May-19431800 AUS of F Force arr Lower SongKurai Kilo 294first cholera case diagnosed among AUS
AUS16-May-43J Force 900 departs for JapanMoji and Kobe camps
Wins/F16-May-1943Br portion of F Force arr KonKoita
Hashimoto17-May-43Rickwoodʼs party arrived at Lower Songkrai.
Hashimoto18-May-43Wood-Higgsʼ party arrived at Lower Nieke.
Hashimoto19-May-43F Force parties from Trains 7, 8 and 9 left Lower Nieke.
Hashimoto19-May-43Cholera spreads at Lower Songkrai (288)
ANZAC20-May-432000 F Force arr Shimo SongKurai (288)
Th24-May-43MAJ Rogers advanced to 100 KILO 
ANZAC26-May-43cholera at Changaraya (K301)159 of 700 Br died
Hashimoto26-May-43Chinese labourersʼ (romusha) dispatch completed. 
Hashimoto28-May-43IJA requested additional labourers from Singapore
Th28-May-1943Th 5A marched to 100 KILO (Regue)
TBRC29-May-1943TH 5A arr Regue (100 KILO camp)
TBRC30-MayH-Force arr Tonchan/Tarsao (K284)
Wins/F31-May-194311 men attempt escape from Lower SongKuriadeclared MIA; probably executed
Th1-Jun-1943first SPEEDO deaths
Hashimoto2-Jun-4317,615 labourers were recruited in Burma.
Hashimoto3-Jun-43Ullmannʼs party left Tamuron Pat (K244)
Wins/F4-Jun-1943all work ceases at Shimo  SongKuria (K288)due to cholera and ill health / 1000 unfit
AUSJun-43K & L medical Forces depart for BanPongworked the highlands area in Thailand; 365 men
Hashimoto5-Jun-43Ullmannʼs party arrived at Konkoita.
Wins/FJun-43reports of Burmese at Nikeall with dysentery / cholera
Wins/FJun-43Lt Downes RAF commits suicide in rivernear Nike (K 282)
Wins/F6-Jun-1943700 AUS at Thingomtha (K 273)368 ill;4 cholera deaths
Wins/F8-Jun-1943300 AUS tfx from Thingomtha to Nike (K 282)100 unfit to work
ME12-JunUS POW killed in Allied bombing in BURMACPL Edwin Wilson
NAVY12-Jun-1943hospital camps now at 4 8 and 18 KILOMAJ Elkins  & Lt Bourn
Hashimoto13-Jun-43F Forceʼs medical officer Huston arrived at Nieke
TBRC15-JunMobile Force #1 arr Taungzun (60 KILO)start of cholera outbeak ( Burmese origin?)
Reminick16-Junfirst cholera death at Hintok
Th16-Jun-1943prepared return to 80 KILOnotified WILSON KIA in bombing
Th17-Jun-194325 US among 100 sent to 80 KILO as hospital
Wins/F21-Jun-1943F Force cholera outbreak ends101/210 died
Owtram24-Jun-1943appt as ChungKai commandant5000 POWs in camp
Hashimoto25-Jun-43K Force left Singapore for Thailand.235 medical personnel; sent to augment F Force
Wins/F25-Jun-1943400 AUS to (Upper) Kami SongKurai  Kilo 299previously occupied by romusha w/ cholera
Th27-Jun-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of dysenteryEM3c Calvin Benner dies of dysentery
NAVY28-Jun-1943MAJ Elkins  & Lt Bourn sick at 80 KILO
HELLFIRE30-Jun-1943construction of Hellfire Pass completed in abt 9 weeksstrtd 25 APR
Owtram30-Jun-1943124 deaths at CK due to choleramen arrive by boat
ME1-Jul-1943first 131 death on TBR(Th) from Tropical ulcerPVT James Drake
Wins/FJul-43decision to establish ‘hospital’ at Thambaya
Wins/FJul-43Br officers escape at SongKurai resulted in severe punishmentrations withheld
Wins/F3-Jul-1943Pond’s Bn (AUS) tfx to Thakanun (K 222)458/636 ill; 13-15 hrs work periods were the norm
Hashimoto5-Jul-43Bradley and 9 other POWs escaped from Sonkrai No.2
Wins/F8-Jul-1943216 of 400 at Kami SongKuria ill7/11 cholera deaths; 100 w/ malaria; <100 fit
2/4 MG Bn13-Jul-1943Wm F#1 to KILO 72 (Mezali)
Teel pg12214-Jul-1943Fz Grp to LONSI (62 KILO)
Th17-Jul-1943first Fz death SM2c James Musto of dysenterySM1c Flyod Armour (Th) dies of dysentery
Hashimoto19-Jul-43Harris wrote to Banno formally requesting to postpone the escapeesʼ executions.
Hashimoto20-Jul-4385,738 labourers were recruited in Burma.
Th22-Jul-19434 non-US died of cholera at 100 KILO
Th22-Jul-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of dysenteryPVT Wendell Carney dies
Th23-Jul-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of beri-beriPVT Julius Anderson dies
Wins/F24-Jul-1943AUS advance party to Thambaya
Wins/F26-Jul-194370 ill AUS tfx from Thakanun to KAN
Wins/F30-Jul-1943first of 1900 F Force tfx to Thambaya
Th31-Jul-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of dysentery1Lt Hampton dies
OwtramAug-43157 deaths at ChungKai
Th1-Aug-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of dysenteryCPT Lumpkin dies
Wins/FAug-431075 from Lower Nike (K 276) tfx to Tambaya 
NAVY2-Aug-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of dysenterySGT Howard Hall dies
Hashimoto3-Aug-43F Forceʼs sick men were evacuated to Tambaya Hospital Camp.
NAVY3-Aug-1943Tharp Grp 5 death at 100 KILO of TUPVT Eugene Silva dies
Wins/F5-Aug-1943700 of F Force consolidated to SongKurai  (K 294)
Grehan6-Aug-1943400 of 1600 F Force deceased
Wins/F8-Aug-1943670 Br & 1020 AUS tfx to Kami SongKurai (K 299)50% unfit
NAVY12-Aug-1943died during amputation for Tropical UlcerGM3c Pye dies undergoing amputation
Wins/F13-Aug-1943135 cholera cases at Thingomtha (K 273)Pond’s Bn
Hashimoto15-Aug-1943New Commander Ishida arrived at Railway Corps
Wins/F15-Aug-1943Burmese tfx to augment F Forcesome A Force personnel as well
Owtram16-Aug-1943huge influx of ill to ChungKaimany on verge of death
Grehan18-Aug-19431000 of 7000 F Force deceasedper LtCol Harris F Force CDR
Wins/F20-Aug-19431600 Br of F Force completed the “Bridge of 600” at SongKurai600 men died
Hashimoto23-Aug-1943L Force 115 (medical) to Thailandsent to augment F Force
Hashimoto25-Aug-19432000 Burmese arr to replace F Force
Wins/F25-Aug-1943209/429 at Thingomtha too ill to workPond’s Bn
Wins/F27-Aug-19434 F Force executed for attempted escape
ME29-Aug-1943SM1c Lyle Rozelle dies at Tarsoe1/3 from H-Force Hintok
TBRC30-Aug-1943highest death toll of 1643 in this month
2/4 MG Bn1-Sep-1943Wm F#1 to KILO 77 Apalon
2/4 MG BnSep-43F Force at Changaraya (K 303)200 die of cholera
OwtramSep-43221 deaths at ChungKai
Wins/F2-Sep-1943620 F Force tfx to Thambaya
Reminick7-Sep-1943149 AUS & 150 Brit deceased at Hintok; many of cholera
TBRC8-Sep-43Dunlop force at Hintok3-tiered bridge/tresle at Hintok completed; 31 men died
2/4 MG Bn11-Sep-1943Wm F#1 to KILO 85 (Kyondaw)
ME11-Sep-1943PVT Samuel Jones dies at 80 KILO camp of TUthought to have died during amputation
Teel pg12611-Sep-1943Fitz Grp arr Kyondaw (85 KILO)
Wins/F13-Sep-1943round the clock work ordered at SongKuraisome worked non-stop for 96 hrs
Wins/F15-Sepfinal cholera case at Kami SongKurai50/150 cases died
ME16-SepPFC Edward Kalous (prior 26FA) dies at 100 KILO of TU[first non-TXNG Army death]
2/4 MG Bn17-Sep-1943Wm F#1 to KILO 108 (Payathonzu)
ME17-SepPFC Harry Gray (LIBERTY surv) dies at 80 KILO of dysentery[second non-TXNG Army death]
TBRC17-SepMobile Force #1 arr Paya Thanzu Tuang (108 KILO)
ME18-Septhird USMC deathUSMC Cpl Holsinger dies of TU at 80 KILO camp
Hashimoto19-Sep-43The railway reached Sonkrai No.2 from the Burmese side.
Wins/F19-Sep-1943rest holiday declared as work completed near SonfKurai
2/4 MG Bn21-Sep-1943Wm F#1 to KILO 116 (Kami Songkurai)cholera in nearby ramusha camp / F Force
Hashimoto21-Sep-43The railway reached Tamaran Pat (244km) from the Thai side.
Wins/F29-Sep-1943report that 348 F Force had died at Thambaya>20 died en route
OwtramOct-43255 deaths at ChungKai
Wins/FOct-43149 deaths/1566 strength at Kami SongKurai this month
ME6-OctSM1c Donnis Wilson (Th) dies at 80 KILO of dysenteryLAST USN TBR worker death
ME10-OctPFC Glen Moore dies at F&H hosp KAN of dysentery2/3 Hintok deaths
Wins/F10-Oct-1943deaths  at Thambaya now 415
Hashimoto17-Oct-43The railway was connected from both sides at Konkoita.
ME17-OctPVT Johnny Jowell dies at 80 KILO of TULAST 131 TBR worker death
Ramsey17-Oct-1943Thai portion 263 Km; Burmese 152 Km completed
Futamatsu23-Oct-1943official TBR completion ceremonyThai and Burmese sections of line were joined near Konkoita
Hashimoto25-Oct-43The railway completion ceremony was held at Konkoita.
ME28-OctPVT Billy Thomas dies at F&H hosp KAN of beri-beri3/3 Hintok deaths
Teelpg1273-Nov-1943Fz Grp to 114 KILO campno named camp at 114Km
RogersNov-43Tharp nearly blind from vitamin deficiencyalso MAJ Rogers
WithnallNov-43PVT  Thomas Whitehead to ChungKai hosptropical ulcer
Wins/F10-Nov-1943deaths  at Thambaya now 600438 Br & 162 AUS
Futamatsu15-Nov-1943An average of six trains per day operated for the life of the line<1000 tons/day delivered
Hashimoto15-Nov-43F Force POWs evacuated the up-country camps to Kanchanaburi.
Hashimoto15-Nov-43The Aoki Incident occurred at Sonkrai No.2.
ME17-NovUSMC Pvt Wilson dies of malnutri at Songkurai 1144th and last USMC death
Wins/F17-Nov-1943begin tfx of F Force in Thailand to KAN
ME29-NovPVT Ray Baldwin dies in ETO131 transfered to AAF
OwtramDec-431096 deaths at ChungKai between Jun and Decup to 15 per day
OwtramDec-43CK popn at 900 officers and 8000 ORsmany arriving now by train
Wins/F2-Dec-1943F Force from KAN begin return to Singaporeby ship via BKK
ME3-DecCPL Nolan Kalich dies of meningitisE Batt at Nagasaki Jp
ME12-DecGM3c Gene Fanghor dies of Diphtheriafirst Zg Party death Ohasi Jp
ME12-DecEM3c Alfred Seidel dies of bronchitislast Zg Party death Hakodate Jp
Hashimoto15-Dec-43F Force returned to Singapore with 3,000 dead.
Hashimoto15-Dec-4314,000 Malay labourers and 5,000 Chinese labourers were employed.
Wins/F23-Dec-1943most of F Force in Singapore; 893/3662 AUS dead
Reminick25-Dec-1943116 H-Force survivors of 525 POWs arr Singa via KANAUS grp 184 of 600 survived
2/4 MG Bn26-Dec-1943Williams Force #1 to KILO 122wood cutting camp
NAVY27-Dec-1943initial Th 5A moved to KAN “rest camp”housed at Camp #3
NAVY29-Dec-1943most Th 5A still at 100 KILOARMY 8 off 58 enl; USN 4 off;  74 enl
Rogers29-Dec-1943Tharp moved on litter
Th29-Dec-1943moved from 100 KILO to KAN camp #2 by trainless 148 non-fit men left at 100 KILO w/ MAJ Rogers
NAVY31-Dec-43last USN arr KAN
ME1-Jan-44Th 5A moved to 195 Kilo Camp; cut wood for train fuel
NAVY7-Jan-1944ill tfx from 80 KILO to Kanchanaburi
NAVY7-Jan-194420 US from 114 KILO to 105 KILO114 camp = Songkurai
Teel pg13010-Jan-1944Fitz Grp begin move to KAN
2/4 MG Bn11-Jan-1944Wm F#1 to KILO 131-33 (Nike)wood cutting camp
2/4 MG Bn12-Jan-1944Wm F#1 began TFx to Kanchanaburiill taken by rail
Reminick15-Jan-19444000/7000 F & 2000/3000 H return to Singa
TXNG17-Jan-1944Fz grp to Kanchanaburi
Th19-Jan-1944strength at KAN: 900 Br/Am/Au  2300 Dutch +150 at Tamarkamper ration records
2/4 MG Bn25-Jan-1944Wm F#1 back to KILO 114 (Changaraya)
NAVY26-Jan-1944marched from 100 to 105 KILO
NAVY26-Jan-1944Thaiyanusorn monument begunMM3c Leo Bird selected to assist w/ monument to deceased workers
ME30-Jan-1944PVT Ward Simpson dies at KAN F&H of Tuberculosisthird Fz death
2/4 MG BnFeb-44F Force at KILO 105 (Aungganung) w/ Wm F#1Aussie and US POWs reunited
NAVY4-Feb-1944dedication of the obelisk Romusha memorial ? 21 Mar 44
ME13-FebTh GRP 5 moved to ChungKai Camp, then Kanburi
AUS15-Feb-1944A-Force arrives KAN from Nike (Nikki; Km 131)
Th15-Feb-1944CPT Fowler and 55 US selected for Japan
Th29-Feb-1944PFC C M Collins dies at KAN of dysentery
ME6-MarPVT J W Bartee dies in ETO131 transfer to AAF
Clark15-Mar-194410 US tfx to Khao Din RailyardArt Clark. Chas Pryor; Dallas Clark; John Lee; Wade Webb
NAVY18-Mar-194447 US still at 105 KILOUSN 24 MC 3
NAVY22-Mar-194419 US at 105 KILO tfx to JapanUSN 14
Teel pg13722-Mar-1944PVT Teel’s grp of the Fitz Grp arr KAN
Teel pg13822-Mar-1944relates tale of cannabalism among the Br F FORCE
2/4 MG Bn25-Mar-1944IJA began to select men to tfx to Japan
2/4 MG Bn27-Mar-1944Wm F#1 to Kanchanaburifollowing B-24 attack on 105 Camp
ME9-AprFowler +150 depart for Saigonw/ SSG H.R. Cobb
Teel pg1409-Apr-1944PVT Teel arr BanPong en route to Saigon
NAVY10-Apr-1944all at 105 KILO to KANUSN 3 o & 6 enl
WithnallApr-44FCM1c Mahlant tfx to Nong Pladukthen on to Ubon
Rogers5-May-1944Rogers & Tharp reunited at TamarkamTharp’s health somewhat better
ME7-May-1944final US 131 TBR POW dies in on TBR (Th)PVT Herrera of dysentery at Nakorn Pathom
ME11-May-1944Fowler returns to KAN from Saigon
ME24-Jun-1944Tamahoko sunk with loss of 17 US; 2 US survivorsSM1c Wilfred Logan & SM2c Leo Callahan survived
NAVY25-Jun-194435 US from KAN depart for Japan via Singapore
NAVY7-Aug-1944sick moved KAN to Nakorn PathomLT Heinman in command
Withnall6-Sep-1944Allies  bomb  Nong Pladuk railyards98 KIA ; 2-400 WIA mostly British
Hashimoto7-Sep-44Rakuyo Maru transporting 1,300 POWs from Singapore sunk
Fritshe13-Sep-1944sinking of the Rakuyo Maru carrying BG Varleymany PERTH crew perished as well; 4 were among 158 POWs rescued by US subs
Reminick18-Sep-1944Junyo Maru sunk off Sumatra (5600 KIA)survivors USMC Pvt Wm Miller; SGT Gordon Miller & PFC Jos Sokolowski KIA
Fritshe11-Oct-1944India-based pilots warned of Allied POWs on the TBRintel from POW survivors of Rakuyo sinking
ME2-Nov-1944USN post-TBR death in SaigonBKR3c Albert Tanberg of dysentery
Rogers3-Nov-1944received 1/6 of RED CROSS ration package
ME4-Nov-1944final USN TBR death at ChungKai hosp campSM1c David Williams of dysentery
NAVY15-Nov-194435 US from KAN arr Japan (Fukuoka) via Singapore
Fritshe29-Nov-1944Allies bomb the RKB #1Dutch POWs KIA from ‘short-fall’ bombs
NAVY4-Dec-1944bombing at KAN & Nong PladukKIA 14 at Kan; 96 at NP no US
Withnall4-Dec-1944Br Ptes Brown & Smith walk out of Nong Pladuk
TBRC8-Dec-1944Allies bomb Kui Yae (186K)26 Dutch POWS KIA
TBRC13-Dec-1944Allies bomb the RKB #2slight damage only
NAVY5-Jan-1945Officers at KAN to be separatedenlisted moved to other nearby camps; ChungKai
NAVY15-Jan-1945Maj Rogers; CPT Parker 2 others arrested for radiosentenced to 5 yrs hard labor
Withnall15-Jan-1945Br Pte Whatmore escapes from Chomphun airfield
ME23-JanAmerican VB-1 AZON MCLOS-guided 1,000 lb aerial ordnance hits bridge
Fritshe5-Feb-1945Allies bomb the RKB #4wooden bridge damaged
Fritshe9-FebWooden bridge damaged #5by US AAF B-24s
Eldredge13-FebDutch POWs KIA in bridge attack6 KIA; many wounded
Fritshe13-FebBoth brides damaged #6by US AAF B-24s
NAVY15-Feb-1945more sick moved to Nakorn PathomENS Stivers  w/ brain tumor
NAVY15-Mar-1945CPT Fowler returns from Saigonofficers separated from enlisted
Withnall17-Mar-1945Br Pte Whatmore departs Chomphun by boat
Fritshe19-Mar-1945Kra Isthmus rail line bombedby US AAF B-24s
Fritshe3-AprUSAAF damaged the wooden railroad bridge once again #7Lt Wm Henderson 7th US Bomb Grp
Fritshe24-Aprmultiple bombing raids along the entire TBRutliing a new ‘dive bomb’ tecnique
Withnall25-Apr-1945Br Pte Whatmore travelling ChumPhon to BanPong by trainsuccessful escape
ME15-MaySaigon grp left Dalat for Tuy Hoa to repair a bridge
Withnall15-May-1945Whatmore meets Brown & Smith at Tha Muangsuccessful escape
Withnall16-May-19453 escapees trvl to BKK on riversuccessful escape
ME28-MayPVT Lavern Staver dies in Singapore (post-TBR/Hintok)last H-Force death of brain cancer
Withnall28-May-19453 Br escapees lv BKK in Thai planesuccessful escape
ME30-Mayboth bridges were operational again
Fritshe18-Junmedical supplies dropped on Sanam Luang BKK
Ramsey24-JunRAF damaged the main bridge and entire railway line out of commission #8
Fritshe14-Jul-1945final US AAF strafing attack along the TBR
NAVY15-Jul-1945Officers begin move to Nakorn Nayok
ME12-Augfinal US POW dies in Japan of beri-beriSGT Donald Heleman of E Batt
Th15-Aug-1945sixth grp moves to Nakorn Nayok17 US officesr
Th16-Aug-1945official notice of war’s endextra food and medicine arrive
Th17-Aug-1945LTC Tharp arrived Bangkok w/ MAJ Rogers & CPT Parker
Th18-Aug-1945ENS Stivers to Bangkok Nursing Home hospital(brain tumor)
Th18-Aug-1945Charles Mott to join US contingent in BKKfrom NongPlaDuk
Th19-Aug-1945Tharp to PMK hospital BKK
Th20-Aug-1945distribution of US pers: Ubon 4;Muang 46;Prachin43;Nayok152 Petch33;NKPhosp16; Saigon 20294 Thailand; 206 Saigon
Th22-AugHoffman and Harris escape Pethburi camp
Th22-Aug-1945LT Stensland to Nakorn Pathom38 US in hospital at Nakorn Pathom
Th22-Aug-1945LT Keithley to Nakorn Nayok122 US in Nakorn Nayok
Th22-Aug-1945LT Hard to Prachinburi10 US at Prachiburi
Th23-Aug-19454 TXNG & 4 USN arr KAN from jungle camps
Th24-Aug-1945CPTs Wright Cates and ENS Nelson to Petchburialso PVT Barnes and SGT Moritz
Th25-Aug-1945CPTs Fz  Fowler & ENS Clark to US HQ BKKalso PVT  [Skillern]?
Th25-Aug-1945MAJ Rogers 7o Oriental Hotel
Th25-Aug-1945LT Heinen to Go-downs area Harbor camp
Th25-Aug-1945LT Morgan to [Tamwan]? = Tha Muang!w/ 21 US
Th25-Aug-1945LT Lattimore at KANburiw/ 9 US
Th25-Aug-1945CPT Mott & ENS Smith at Paratrooper HQ
Th25-Aug-1945USMC Sgt Aust retrieves Tharp’s records from ChungKai
Th26-Aug-1945LT Keithley arr from Nakorn Nayokw/ 121 US
Th27-Aug-1945LT Hard arr from Prachinburiw/ 16 US
Rogers28-Aug-1945Rogers released from BKK jail and meets TharpTharp “looks 90 yo”; walking with a cane
Th28-Aug-1945CPT Taylor Scanbrough & Demoss to Rangoon
Th29-Aug-1945ENS Stiver still at BNH hospital(brain tumor)
Th29-Aug-1945151 US to Calcutta
Th29-Aug-1945LT Fillmore at BKK HQ
Th30-Aug-1945SGTs Schmid & Douglas return to BKK
Th30-Aug-1945100 US arr from Petchburi to BKK
Th31-Aug-1945ENS Stivers and LT Fillmore  & Skillern to Calcutta
Th1-Sep-1945Fz to Saigon;  LT Schmid to CalcuttaSGT Schmid & Douglas to Calcutta
Th2-Sep-1945SGTs Crain & Brown from [Tamwan] = Tha Muang!
NAVY3-Sep-1945SM2c S. Barnes to BNH hospital
NAVY6-Sep-1945Saigon party stop at BKK to Calcutta214 US including 8 AAF
TBRC15-Sep-45CWGC begins remains recovery
ME7-Oct-1945final TBR -related deathEns John Bell Stivers dies of Glioblastoma in St Albans hosp NY
HashimotoNov-4524,111 Tamils, Chinese Malays and Javanese awaiting repartriation
Withnall4-Dec-1945Javanese at NgPlaDukPOW report
TBRC15-Jun-1947TBR system sold to Thailand (50M baht/ 1.25M Pounds)as part of war reparations via Britain
Ramsey24-Jun-1949NongPlaDuk to Kan portion reopened
Ramsey1-Apr-1952WangPo portion opened for traffic
TBRCJul-52SRT begins to repair the RK Bridge
Ramsey1-Jul-1957Railway reopened to NamTok
TBRCJul-58TBR system reopens mainly for tourism

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